To create a bank account at this time, an ID like ID card / National ID or SIM / driver's license is required as verification system requirement. This identification system is required to comply with government regulations and avoid situations like money laundering and other crimes. Identity verification systems are also very important when establishing relationships with colleagues as they are needed to increase confidence in businesspeople. Almost every business client has a requirement to adhere to government rules and to check these idenditas to avoid crime. Overseas, there is an identification system called KYC (Your Customer Know).

Nowadays, almost all types of companies besides national banks and international banks as well as financial institutions require verification systems such as exchange, decryption exchange, foreign currency broker, money management, loan, hospital and so on. And others. And the more companies that need this verification system, the more customers and customers there will be in the company, so the process of KYC verification system is old and inefficient. As a simple example, many password exchange exchanges require a long validation process and the client must wait several weeks. And look at this KYC problem. LEGAL provides a faster and easier verification system with block chain technology support. How does this KYC.LEGAL work? Please check the reviews below. 

What is KYC.LEGAL? 

As described above, KYC is an identification system that can know your customer information and  use the faster, faster, targeted block-chain technology to provide your KYC.LEGAL identity verification system. With KYC.LEGAL, verification systems are easier and faster because all users and companies needing identity verification have only one platform and a simple process. The system aims to provide benefits for users and companies by developing a single, integrated and easy solution. Using this KYC.LEGAL platform, previously proven systems and KYC requirements that each service provider solves individually can and will depend on only one platform. KYC.
How does KYC.LEGAL work? 

Using,  you can quickly and easily run your authentication system with block-chaining technology, which consists of Android and iOS software. Users can transfer personal data through the platform and all information is verified by the agent. In addition to the KYC requirements, banks, decryption exchanges, ICOs, brokers, managed funds, and other users can request information from users, and users send KYC data to the platform. The KYC process is much easier and faster. At this time, KYC.LEGAL has mobile apps already available for download.

When you download and use the KYC.LEGAL application, all your personal and biometric data is encrypted, and once your personal data is verified, your application converts it to a cryptographic hash, sends it to the public block chain, and removes all personal information from the server. When you register with KYC.LEGAL, you can only log in to the application with the fingerprint sensor. All data is hosted on your device and you can choose what to send data information to your needs. KYC.LEGAL tokens are used to access products and services, and since each token can be used by the verification process once a month, a token must be present in this LEGAL to access products and services from KYC. 
The confirmation fee for KYC.LEGAL varies from $ 10 to $ 50, depending on where you live. This amount includes the cost of a verification agent, which accounts for approximately half of the cost ($ 5 - $ 25). Each verification includes a compensation amount equal to 50% of the total verification price shared by the user and the token owner. Token KYC is also a sharing tool. And $ 10 for the local KYC Verification, for example $ 5 for agent reward and $ 5 for token holder prizes. The owner of the token may offer rewards of $ 2. This means that the total referral cost is $ 7 ($ 2 Token Owner Compensation + $ 5 Agent Compensation).

Problems, goals and why should I join KYC.LEGAL? 

KYC.LEGAL Much easier and faster, and because it has the advantage of a validation system, it will benefit both users, sellers and companies that offer products. In addition, verification systems owned by KYC.LEGAL provide benefits when jumping into Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer (B2C). Businesses involved in B2B and B2C need a validation process to find their details and avoid unwanted violations. This time, however, it is inefficient because the life of the KYC process can take up to several weeks. The business model must do all the work quickly and efficiently. KYC products and services are also available. 
Briefly, KYC.LEGAL will benefit both the user and the company providing products and services that require this KYC verification system faster and easier. 
The same. 
Personal information is protected by encryption and biometric data. 
Your data is hosted on your device.
You can choose the information that is provided to the company that provides the services and products. 
Document verification is done with a digital signature.
Benefits of providing services and products  :
Trusted information for users
Identity verification is supported by transparent block-chaining technology, so there should be no fake or duplicate user profiles.
Companies can quickly and easily comply with KYC rules through the identity verification process. 
Because the identity verification process can be performed faster and easier, we have created a good ecosystem and trust between the company providing the service and the customer.
Who is the founder of KYC.LEGAL? 

Team Founder  KYC.LEGAL has  many years of experience in technology blockchain and also has several B2B and B2C business experience. He has a business B2C over 10 years IT solutions and is motivated to make by realizing the lack of world-renowned technology solutions that he identifies as a simple co-founder of some of them Rausov. The other team members are the largest established Sergei Bekrenev (co-founder) in law firm East Europe (so-called "legal services in Europe") and Artem Haritonov (CTO), Eugene Zonov (CEO) and Matteo Rossant (CBDO). And the team and the other advisers are more, and everything can be seen on their website. 

Detailed information ICY KYC.LEGAL 

Currently, ICO KYC.LEGAL is up and running until this article is written, KYC.LEGAL has already earned more than $ 17 million and has a hard cap of $ 35 million. And the price of this KYC token varies from $ 1- $ 2.5 to other bonuses depending on the level of sales. 
Getting Started: November 29, 2017 -1 Maret 2018
Token name: KYC.LEGAL
    Symbol: KYC
      Token price: $ 1.65 / Token (current stage)
        PURCHASE: ETH, BTC, Fiat. 
          Type token: ERC20
            Minimum purchase: 1 token
              Bonus: Buy tokennya up to 60% faster depending on the purchase date and purchase stage,  you will get cheaper price and bigger bonus.
                Steps for purchasing KYC TOKEN for ICY:
                Create an Ethereum wallet that supports the ERC20 token, which is one of MyEtherWallet.
                Visit the KYC.LEGAL website (  )  .  Click TOKENS, enter your e-mail and password, click OK, and after logging in, save your personal address Ethereum, such as your address, in MyEtherWallet.
                Please make a deposit with your existing deposit option (BTC, ETH, FIAT).
                For more information, please  join   the official telegram chatnya . 
                For more information on ICO KYC.LEGAL please visit:   LINKS:


                The verification process takes a long time as more companies have services and products that require identification to comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti Money Money) rules. And if you have a service with KYC.LEGAL, this verification system is much easier, faster and more efficient. KYC, LEGAL will help many entrepreneurs like B2B or B2C, as more companies need to buy pharmaceuticals, tobacco, and alcohol in the future. Identity verification is also required to comply with government regulations to avoid criminal activity such as money laundering and other criminal activity. In addition, because KYC tokens are a token utility used to access services from KYC.LEGAL, the demand for tokens increases if the identity system is requested more quickly and easily. In addition, this KYC token can be exchanged at a later decryption exchange. 

                Bitcointalk:  beroto yudo

                ETH addres: 0xB45C6d56F4408C697808Dc37cf9e6848152aBD48


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