DATABROKER - Controlling Commodity Flows

Hallo All, In This New Post I Will Introduce About The DATABROKER Project, And For More Clearly Let's Just Jump The Following Discussion Here:

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed financial advisor and this review is not intended as investment advice. This is for reference only. Buying crypto assets is very risky and you should seek advice from a licensed professional before buying.

Great potential, but a stuttering start makes the product market hard. Support is just to advance the mission.

Dataspace DAO (DbD) dreaming. The dream is to control the most valuable commodity flow in our time: data. In particular, IoT's sensor data promises to change how businesses and cities operate.

Wind changes in accordance with the wishes of DbD. By 2017, businesses and governments are expected to spend more than $ 800 billion on IoT technology. (A surprising number, given the unresolved security issues of IoT.)

Although most of the USD $ 800 billion flows to the sensor manufacturers, there are many types of markets that DbD builds. The company projected the market size for IoT data of 30% of sensor revenues. That's not realistic. A better point of comparison is the market for platforms, such as IBM Watson IoT and Amazon Web Services IoT, which help companies capture, store and process the data they collect. Revenues from the IoT platform range from USD $ 1-2 billion and are expected to grow 35% per year. That's not quite the hundreds of billions that DbD is promoting, but it's still good news.

The high fragmentation in the data exchange market also brings benefits. These exchanges tend to be industrial and do not have clear technical advantages for each other. Over time they will face pressure to consolidate. DbD can get ahead of the trend by building a flexible platform and testing it with conglomerates like General Electric whose reach is very wide reaching the industry. Of course, they should keep track of blockchain competitors who have good resources like Ocean Protocol.

Team | GOOD
There is much to be loved about DbD's DD team.

First, he has an adult. The sixteen-year CEO's experience in the finance industry is supported by academic training in economics and management. CTO parodelizes CS titles to enterprise-class applications and career development APIs.

Second, it has a proven track record in commercializing blockchain technology. Since mid 2016, the founders have marketed their SDKs and toolkits to companies looking to develop their own blockchain applications.

Lastly, it has a diverse team. Two DHF women and two Kenyan based developers brought more gender and ethnic diversity. They bring perspective. In particular, perspectives tend to be missed in the euphoria of technological beeps and banker bandits. It is a rare commodity these days.

In a surprising twist to an ICO, DbD has outlined a sizable business strategy. The focus, for now, is the company's customers. The customer base is divided into three segments: sensor owners, data processors and data buyers. DbD also highlights network operators as key partners and potential frenemy.

Like the title, the sensor owner has sensors and supplies the data. Prioritizing the supply side is considered the best approach to bootstrapping in the market. Fortunately, this is what DbD wants to do. Unfortunately, they say little about how they intend to do it. It weighs their goal of connecting 225 million sensors within 7 years. Let's remember that DbD is not building a social network to share Trump songs and baby photos. It builds the B2B platform for valuable exchange of ownership data. Connecting the 225 million censorship of a corporate bureaucrat will be a cat-breeding mission on an unprecedented scale. If that's not alarming enough, DbD has also made the curious decision to charge regular per-sensor fees in addition to reducing streaming data revenue. This pay-to-play scheme is a barrier to registration.

The DbD approach to working with network operators is also confusing. The operator is a telecommunication company that controls the flow of data from the sensor to the platform. As their operational costs will increase with DbD's success, the company promises a 10% commission for streaming data sales. I just hope that this telecommunication does not get to page 15 of the white paper, where DbD threatens to cut it as soon as IOTA and other network-based blocking operators are interconnected.

Where the DbD strategy shines is in support of data processors. This is a company that will interpret and enrich raw data with exclusive insights and domain-specific models. DbD anticipates that the processor will soon create a resale market. That's good, because raw data has limited value. The DbD bet is that the resale market will grow to the point where the majority of data buyers will not be the final consumer but the data processor itself. The company knows it should help the processor along and has marked 'Data Improved Integration' as an upcoming milestone. However, there is no deadline, so there is a guess as to how soon the resale data will slide and revenue will go in.

PRODUCTS | Unknown
The beta product available on the DbD website as of December 1 is not a beta in meaningful terms. This is an impressive interactive mock-up. The UI is easy to navigate and gives users a clear picture of the basic features. But with DbD's own admission - go to page 18 - this is not the cause of celebration. A good UI is a table bet. To its credit, the company has done a good job of anticipating the needs of users and outlining the features needed to achieve it. However, without a timeline road map, it is not clear how product features are prioritized.

ICO DbD structure is not dangerous. User allocation is set to 65% honorable. The split between business and technical development is skewed, but not forgiven. Founder holds 10% token with a 3 year vesting schedule. On white paper, everything looks cool.

Real-world stories have been played differently. DbD pre-sale concluded in mid-October at 11% of target. Even with the ETH rally in November, the DbD treasure chest is too light for USD $ 2.5 million. These results add great pressure. With a small pre-sale fund, it will be difficult for the company to fulfill its goal of releasing a ready-to-use platform by the end of the year. Unanswered deadlines, coupled with anemic communities (less than 1,000 followers on December 1), will result in other underwhelming sales. To buy time for rotation, DbD has not yet announced a major sales date.

DbD claims that its DATA token is required to make a profitable micro payment. By token, the sensor owner will be able to sell data droplets or stream seconds. It is a solution to find a problem. You must believe that a large number of data buyers only want a few hundred rows of data from the IoT sensor. It is not possible if DbD customers buy training data or mining insights for resale. This also implies a very steep price curve so that 100MB of data is more expensive than 100KB of data from the same stream. If this problem does exist, then the token is a very tough approach. Do you know the ether used to buy DATA tokens? It is also divided by 18 decimals.

Even if you ignore the division as a problem, there is another problem for DATA proof. Namely, how can they get into the hands of corporate users? CIOs usually do not use Telegram to get hot tip.

RISK | Unknown
DbD has shared a bit about the steps it has taken to reduce its exposure responsibilities. The location of the merge is not clear. It has not been disclosed which partners are providing legal guidance, managing sales and distributing tokens. Although the company offers leading advisors, nobody publicly outlines their reasons for getting support or advisory scope. Like too much ICO, DbD's legitimacy can only be guessed from professional websites and LinkedIn team profiles. 

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